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VR music game Unplugged reveals partnership deals with legendary rock and roll companies The critically acclaimed game, coming to Oculus Quest on October 21, partners up with famous real-life guitar and amplifier brands.

Rotterdam (NL), October 14, 2021 – Vertigo Games, the VR specialist publishing and development arm of the global Koch Media Group, today announced that the VR music game Unplugged has partnered up with some of the most legendary guitar, amplifier and accessory companies in rock history, adding even more depth and realism in the game. Coming to Oculus Quest on October 21, with a PC VR* release to follow later this year (*Valve Index Controller compatible headsets only), the following brands are an integral part of the
Unplugged experience:
EMG Pickups
Gruv Gear®
Marshall Amplification
Orange Amps®
PRS Guitars®
Schecter Guitars®

The news follows shortly after Vertigo Games and development studio Anotherway revealed the full setlist of Unplugged. With a list of over 20 songs, consisting of world-famous rock bands and indie gems, and industry standard brands for Rock & Roll shown off in-game, Unplugged delivers a rock-solid experience that spans 50 decades of rock history. Having real-life brands in Unplugged perfectly adds to the game’s sense of immersion and first person perspective at what it’s like to rock out.

Published by Vertigo Games and developed by Anotherway, Unplugged is coming to Oculus Quest on October 21, with a PC VR* release to follow later this year (*Valve Index Controller compatible headsets only). For more news about Unplugged, find Unplugged on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and sign up for the newsletter at

We are excited to announce the addition of Finn Wolfhard & The Aubreys to the Orange roster! The duo recently recorded their first full length album which is due out later this year, with Finn recording his guitar parts on our Rocker 32.

“My first amp as a kid was an Orange Crush and I loved it. When we recorded our LP, I used Cadien Lake James’ Orange Rocker 32 and fell in love with it.” – Finn

We’ve been given a sneaky listen of the album, and you’re in for a wonderful treat of modern meets nostalgia. Keep your eyes and ears peeled!

Orange Amplification are launching the limited edition, Glenn Hughes Signature Crush Bass 50 and its colour is deep purple, not orange! See Glenn talking about his Signature amp at

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Glenn Hughes, has been an Orange Ambassador for over a decade. For many years he was the bass player and vocalist with Deep Purple, who recently celebrated fifty years of definitive classic hard rock. Hughes is also known as the bassist and vocalist for Trapeze, Black Country Communion with Joe Bonamassa, California Breed and more recently The Dead Daisies.

The Crush Bass 50 compact combo, inspired by Orange’s flagship AD200 and OB1 bass amplifiers, perfectly blends some of the most defining elements of each. It has the essentials of a recording amp and delivers warm, clean bass tones, vintage growl with fat low end and blendable overdrive. Plus, the limited edition is finished in a distinctive tough purple textured vinyl with a silver coloured plaque ‘Glenn Hughes Limited Edition’.

Talking about the Crush Bass 50, Hughes said: ‘You can go in the studio, take that bass combo and make your album with something like that, it’s truly outstanding. It’s gritty, it’s punchy: sustain is so important and its certainly got all that.’ He added: ‘Orange all the way……’s the future, it’s the way to go, you heard it from me!’

‘We feel privileged to honour Glenn with this affordable limited edition bass combo. He has played such a big part in British music history,’ said Cliff Cooper, Orange Amps CEO and Founder. ‘To make a purple combo is a fitting way to pay a tribute to him.’

To find out more about the Glenn Hughes Signature Crush Bass 50 and other Orange products please go to

日向秀和(ひなっち)モデルのアンプヘッドが遂に2021年7月1日から一般発売!!ひなっちがステージで使用している事で目を引いた方も多いはず!本人が使用しているオレンジカラーに極ロゴが入ったあのモデルが新登場!!Orange 4 Stroke 500 LTD was finally released on July 1. Yes, many of you might have seen Hinatch playing it on stage. This new signature amp head is in orange color with his logo “Extreme!”

を教えて下さい。What was the initial impact on you when you came across Orange Amps, either amp head or cabinet? 日向:まず、凄いナチュラルだなと思いましたね。ナチュラルだし、凄く芯のあるローが出るっていうのが最初の印象でした。オレンジに出会う前は結構アンプに迷ってて、試行錯誤した結果、ロー感とか一度自分の中で完成したなって思ってたんですよ。でも、オレンジに出会ってその完成したと思っていたものを覆されたと言うか。よりベースの音を届けやすくなった感覚っていうのが凄くありまして。余計なローが全く無いって言うか。そこらへんがすごくびっくりしました。My impression was that it was an extremely natural and thick low sound. I was going through many amps in those days and trying to find my low frequency sound. Just when I thought I found it, I came to play an Orange Amp. Then there was no going back. I immediately felt that the low frequency could easily travel across. I call it pure bass sound. I was just astonished.

トレードマークになっている「極」の由来を教えてください。How did your motto “Extreme” come about?日向:英語で言うと「極める」ってどういうことを言うんでしょうね。物事を「マw スター」とかそういう感じなのかな。その道をマスターするっていう意味合いを一文字で表すことが出来る漢字かなと思って。「極める」っていうのはベーシストとしてもそうだし、すべてそうです。ずっと追いかけていくって大事なことだし、そういうのを志してるっていうところでの漢字一文字ですかね。I don’t know the exact English word for it. This Japanese character “extreme” also means reaching the top or mastering completely. It applies to everything including bass guitar. It is important to pursue it with ambition. This character says it all.

4 Stroke 500 LTD HINATCH“極”はいつもどのようなセッティングで使用しているのしょうか?Could you tell us your setting of 4 Stroke 500 LTD?
日向:アンプのセッティングなんですけど、大体いつも12時にするんですよ。12時にして、オールフラットの状態でまず鳴らしてみて、そこから耳につくところの音域を減らしていきます。例えばちょっとローが出過ぎてるんで、これを減らしていく。こうすると自然なボトム感と言うか、出てきますよね。で、ちょっとミドルも痛いんで、コンコンいっちゃう。このコンコン言うところをはしょる。そうするとナチュラルになってますよね。基本的にもう、減らしていくだけですね。(EQがフラットの状態でも)ハイもしっかり出てるんで。まずは12時にして、オールフラットにしてから、いらない音域をどんどん削っていくみたいなセッティングをしています。I usually start off setting everything at 12 o’clock, all flat,  and hear it. Then I tweak to reduce whatever remains in my ears. For instance I turn down  whenever I hear too much bass or knocking mids. It becomes a natural bass sound. My approach is always to reduce unnecessary ranges from 12 o’clock. You can still obtain solid high frequency.

コンプはどのように使用しているのでしょうか?How do you use a built-in  compressor on 4 Stroke 500 LTD?
日向:コンプが付いてるんですけど、薄ーく掛けてるんですよね。結構ガッツリ掛けるとサンプリングされてるベースの音みたいな(笑)、音まで出せるんで面白いんですけど、これだと掛かり過ぎてダイナミクスがあんまり出ないんで、薄くかけといてから、エフェクターを踏んだときのコンプの掛かり方がすごいこれ気持ちいいんですよ。歪ませたりとか。だから、エフェクターを割とハイゲインのボンって踏んだときにモチっと着いてきてくれるようなコンプの感じが良いんで薄く掛けてます。すごい効くと思いますこのコンプ。素晴らしいです。This amplifier is equipped with a compressor. And I put it on just slightly. If I turn up, it can produce a very thick sound that is almost like sampling bass tone. But it would reduce the dynamics. I like to put on just enough compression so that other effect pedals such as distortion are switched on, it will nicely compliment the sound. I think it is a superb compressor.

このモデルの魅力や遊び方について教えて下さい。What do you think is the most attractive feature of 4 Stroke 500 LTD? And how would you like to play it?
日向:極端な話、EQもすごい効くんで。こんな音まで(笑)出ちゃうっていう。ハイとかも、例えばめっちゃ絞ったりするとちょっとヴィンテージっぽい音から、ハイだけでも全然違う。これだけEQが効くって言う。シンプルだけにすごく効くって言うか。そういうのすごく大事だなと思います。いっぱい目盛りが付いてて何していいか分かんないってアンプも中にはあったりして。それよりもすごいシンプルで効くって言うのはサウンドメイクしやすい。だからいろんな音域を出して試してみるっていうのもすごく面白いと思います。後はさっきやったみたいにコンプをめっちゃガッツリ、鬼のようにコンプ出してサンプリングしたみたいなベースの音を出すのもすごく楽しいんじゃないかな。このままレコーディングしても、レコーディングとかだったらすごく面白いんじゃないですかね。スラップがすごく楽しいかも。サンプリングしたみたいな音も出るし、EQもすごく効くので、自分の好きな音を探ってみるのもいいんじゃないかなと思います。For me it has to be the effectiveness of the equalizer. You can create all kinds of sound by setting the different equalizer level. I found that you can obtain vintage bass sound by cutting the high frequency. Unlike some amps out there with many knobs and notches, this model is very simple to operate. And you can always make the sound you want after you tweak different  frequencies.  Again do not forget how clean and powerful the compressor is on this model. You can maximize the effect for your recording sessions. So the sampling sound comes in handy when you are playing slapping bass. It works great!

Hinatch Kurosawa / Orange artist profile.