

私たちは、定期的にエンドースメントについて、また、その資格を得るためにアーティストに何を求めるかについて質問を受けています。 この質問に対する明確な答えはありませんが、多くの人が混乱する可能性があるため、申請時に考慮される重要なポイントをいくつか紹介したいと思います。 完璧な世界では、素晴らしいギタリスト/ベーシストであれば十分ですが、ビジネスの観点を考慮すると、残念ながらそれよりも若干複雑なのです。 アンバサダー申請書の作成に4時間を費やす前に、OrangeA&Rの内部情報を下記からご覧ください。

  1. Are you an established band or artist?
    As much as we’d love to support aspiring musicians on their road to stardom, that is unfortunately not something we can do via endorsements. While we don’t expect you to have a long year career behind you, we need to see evidence that you/your band are serious about what you do and have built something that exists outside your rehearsal space. Ambitions are great, but we can’t consider a band based on their ambitions and plans if there’s little happening in the present.
  1. Have you released any music?
    You have to have released some actual music. If your reaction to that is “hell yeah I just released my debut single last month” or “not a problem I released an entire album in 2013”, the chances are that that’s not enough. We need to see that you’re actively working, writing and creating, and one song or an old album followed by silence isn’t going to cut it.
  1. Are you touring and playing shows?
    Playing to a full house at your local pub on the third Friday of every month is great, but have you ever tried non-local shows, touring overseas and expanding your audience beyond your family and friends? No? Then we recommend you do that for a bit and re-visit this idea at a later date.
  1. Are you signed, working with a manager, PR rep or agent?
    We have so much respect for DIY artists, so kudos to all bands and artists doing everything themselves—and don’t let this one put you off. It’s not a must, but evidence that a label has shown interest and is willing to spend time (and maybe even money) on you, or that you’ve got someone onboard to help out with the admin side of things might also be an indication that this is something you’re serious about taking to the next level, and not just a hobby.
  1. Are you promoting yourself?
    Being an artist in the digital age is hard: you’re expected to master your instrument, kill it at marketing, social media, photography, copy-writing and content creation, and create something of an image or social approach. We totally understand that this isn’t for everyone. Hell, social media can be the devil at times, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s something we unfortunately have to take into account as it plays a vital role in the modern industry. If you’re not a touring/gigging artist but have a huge social media following or online presence, we still might be able to work together, as at the end of the day, our goal is to have our amps be played in front of as many people as possible. That might be on a festival stage, but it could also be in a viral TikTok video. The industry is changing, along with its requirements.
  1. Can you actually play?
    This one brings us back to point 1—as much as we’d love to offer our support to every Orange-playing artist out there (and would actively encourage aspiring ones to pick up an instrument via Orange Learn), being able to actually play is a must. If you’ve just picked up the bass or guitar and have been playing for a couple of weeks, you’re still a while away from industry endorsement. But, if you keep at it, you might be the pride and joy of our roster in the future. We’d be so lucky! That being said, although technical abilities and virtuoso vibes are definitely our cup of tea, they’re not a necessity. If you can’t play along to Rush’s La Villa Strangiato, we won’t hold that against you; different types of music require different abilities, and you need to play well enough to master your music.
  1. Are you here with a genuine wish to work together and a hope to be a part of our global artist roster, or just hoping for freebies or discounted gear?
    Artist pricing is one of the awesome perks of being an Orange ambassador, even more so in this current financial climate with the ever-increasing cost of living. But if the main selling point in your application is wanting a free Rockerverb, which you “promise to promote the hell out of” to your social following of 112 people, that’s not gonna work—we are looking for artists with whom to build mutually beneficial relationships. So, instead of focusing on all the amps you want to add to your collection and trying to convince us these should be yours for free, focus on working hard, and getting yourself or your band to a place where we’d be proud and honoured to have you representing Orange.

ここまで説明すれば、私たちが何を求めているのか、そしてあなたやあなたのバンドがその資格を得ることができるのか、より明確なイメージを持っていただけると思います。 もし、あなたがそう思うなら、すごいことです。 応募は、こちらのアンバサダーページからお願いします。

当面の間、週に3回は応募書類を提出し、私たちが見たかどうか電話で確認したくなるかもしれませんが、私たちはそのような興奮は大好きですが、その必要はないと断言します。 アンバサダーの応募は定期的に審査され、合格者には連絡されます。 応募数が多いため、残念ながらすべてにお応えすることはできませんが、一人一人の応募に心から感謝し、お礼を申し上げたいと思います。