We’ve teamed up with Boris to giveaway 2 x sets of tickets for their upcoming US tour. There’s one competition running on our Facebook page and one on our Instagram, so why not enter both to double your chances?! All you have to do, is simply leave a comment with the show you’d like to attend, and tag the person you’d like to bring.
https://orangeamps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Boris-.jpg20672067Ella Stormarkhttps://orangeamps.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Orange-Pics-logo-307px-279x103.pngElla Stormark2022-08-10 08:56:482022-08-12 15:58:34Win a pair of tickets to see Boris on their US tour
The Guitar Butler dual-channel guitar pre-amp is tailored to provide comprehensive, exceptional service to your signal chain. As a standalone unit or part of a larger rig, allow the Guitar Butler to manage your tonal affairs.
The Guitar Butler is perfect for guitarists that are looking to get their pre-amp tones from their pedalboard, running straight into either a power amp/speaker cabinet combination or directly into a PA system. In this demo, you see the Guitar Butler in action with Boris guitarist and long-time Orange ambassador, Wata. Enjoy!
The Voice of Doom, The Voice of Orange? No, as we’ve stated in previous posts, such as February’s “Voice of Clean” is that Orange is much more than stoner and doom amps. However, that stoner and doom bands and artists across the globe have all seem to fall for our heavier than heavy amps might not just be a coincidence; with our dirty and creamy tone we work great for heavier sounds, some might even say excellent, and we often became an obvious choice for these artists. See a selection of our finest Doom
You’re probably not surprised we started this list with Matt Pike, are you? Our favourite shirtless hero and alien expert, singer of songs and player of electric guitars. Whenever Matt Pike comes to town we clear out our backline suppliers within a 50 mile radius before his crew gets given the most exhausting job any road crew has had since the days of Terry Bozzio touring with Frank Zappa. Matt Pike has pioneered doom metal with his band Sleep and become sort of a legend while still alive – he’s also fronting his own band High on Fire which is just as heavy, but faster, like Motörhead. His average Sleep set up normally contains of nine heads, mostly Rockerverbs and Dual Darks, and twelve cabs. Haters will say they ain’t all plugged in, but haters are wrong. For those of you who’s ever been lucky enough to attend a Sleep show and have had the same religious out of body experience as oh so many others while watching Matt Pike tear shit up, you know they’re plugged in and turned up to 11. He also has a dog, and we LOVE dogs over here at Orange.
We have been avid Monolord supporters here at Orange for years now, and have enjoyed seeing the band grow and develop from playing Camden’s Underworld, to be one of the bands closing Desertfest London on the Sunday at the iconic Roundhouse. The Swedish doom vikings have proven themselves to be masters of their kind, and one of many exceptional bands coming out of Gothenburg in the past years. When asking singer and guitarist Thomas V Jäger what the reason behind this Gothenburg explosion could be, he simply replied: “Have you been there, to Sweden? It’s dark as hell and it always rains, no one ever wants to leave their house so instead they stay in and practice their instrument.”, which only leads us to believe that this is the real deal, pure Nordic doom fuelled by darkness.
Rockerverb 100 MKIII Head PPC412 Speaker Cab At the start of their career 27 years ago, Boris began as a hard core punk act, before venturing into the unknown touching base with drone, doom, and experimental metal. Guitarist Wata is a proud Orange ambassador, and claims that she wouldn’t be where she is today wasn’t it for our brightly coloured amps; “The first amplifier that I purchased was Orange OR-120. Its loud orange color and cute design lured me to try out the model. Contrary to its look, I was astonished by super loud yet warm sound, and the mid-to-low frequencies that shook my body! I still use it to this day. I am extremely grateful for your support when we tour many countries. Orange amps have become my trademark. Orange amps are so compatible with my favourite Les Paul and fuzz pedal that my musical career would not exist without Orange amps.”
Weedeater’s Dixie Dave, who on the band’s Facebook page claims “We do what we can’t!” is another doom connoisseur holding the sweet Orange amps close to heart as he “Loves the tone and ass-kicking rumble.” Last I saw of Dixie Dave was in the AMs at the closing party at last year’s Desertfest London where I’d earlier seen them deliver an impeccable performance at the Electric Ballroom, which was the first and last time I saw them with the incredible drummer Carlos Denogean who tragically passed away later in the year. Despite these tragic events, Weedeater is still going strong, with previous drummer Travis “T-Boogie” back behind the drums.
Liverpool based band Conan’s Joe Davis first fell for the Orange tone using some vintage Orange heads; “I’ve been using some excellent vintage amps for several years, including some old Orange heads. I wanted to buy some modern amps that give me the tone and warmth of the vintage heads I have become accustomed to. I’ve used several modern Orange heads at festivals and these have included the Thunderverb 200, the OR50 and OR100. I was initially curious about the sound and then became pretty much hooked on them. They have all the warmth of the older amps I like, but none of the reliability issues.”
EDIT! This competition has now closed and a winner has been contacted. Keep up to date on future competitions by following us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.
Celebrating the reissue of Boris’ iconic ‘Absolutego’ & ‘Amplifier Worship’ albums, we have teamed up with Third Man Records to give away a blood moon red copy of ‘Absolutego’, a tree frog green copy of ‘Amplifier Worship’ and a set of our wireless Crest Edition Headphones.
https://orangeamps.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Third-Man-Orange-competition.png16421640Ella Stormarkhttps://orangeamps.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Orange-Pics-logo-307px-279x103.pngElla Stormark2020-10-07 09:14:102020-11-09 16:23:55Orange x Third Man Records Boris Competition
You have been an Orange player for a long time now, can you tell us a bit about your history and experience with the company?
オレンジのプレーヤーになって長いのですが、わが社との出会いと経歴を簡単に教えて貰えますか? Wata: Boris has been active since 1992.We have been touring through USA, Europe, Asia, Oceania and various places. When we first started, we were influenced by the 1960-70 psychedelic and hard rock music. Often, we watched the artists we adored; many were using Orange gear. I was struck with the cute looks and the fat, warm sound. When I got to be interested in Orange amps, the original vintages were already expensive(as they are now). When OR120 was reissued in the early 1990s in Japan, I was able to purchase a half stack. I have been obsessed with Orange sound ever since. I keep collecting various vintage heads, cabinets, and current lineups
You’ve been playing both the OR120 and the Rockerverb 100 paired with the PPC412 – what do you look for in an amp, and what do you like about these two?
OR120とRockerverb 100をPPC412に繋いで使用していますがアンプに求めていることは何でしょうか?又、この2つのどこが気に入っていますか? Wata: Very rich mids and lows, powerfulness, simple operation, cool looks of a full stack. It is easy for me to create non-distortion sound with OR120 or Rockerverb 100. Also these amps work well with my Les Paul and the fuss pedal that use. We have just released a new album “NO” on July 3. The world has unexpectedly changed to the extreme. We recorded this album wishing that it will comfort all the listeners. There are many fast―tempo tracks. Orange cabinets played a very important role in the recording studio. The Orange cabs were able to maintain the core tonality with different amp heads
How would you describe the Boris writing and creating process?
Borisの作曲・創作のプロセスをどう説明しますか? Wata: Basically, a song starts when we get inspired from jamming around and improvising. We record simultaneously when we are having jam sessions. The pieces are then put together and edited to become a song. The instruments, pedals, Orange amps and cabinets all play significant roles. The expression of the song gets the member more excited and lead us to the direction it ought to be. We also strive to input our experience from the touring, the faces from audience that we saw from the stage, and the feeling we had then.
How have you as a band been dealing with the lack of live music in recent times, and what do you think about bands going digital in terms of live streams etc?
ライブが出来ない現状をどのように対応していますか?又、ライブストリームのようなデジタル志向をバンドとして考えていますか? Wata: Being able to touch the bodies of audience with huge sound is extremely important to our shows. You cannot feel the music with your body through live streams. We may consider releasing a video product after editing the live footages from the past. But I am skeptical about live streaming. From the stage we cannot make eye contacts with the audience. I can understand that the current (pandemic) situation is forcing many artists to go online and take more actions. But we are worried it will possibly end up destroying valuable culture of live music. So we are looking at it very carefully.
https://orangeamps.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Wata-Boris-I.png16002560Ella Stormarkhttps://orangeamps.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Orange-Pics-logo-307px-279x103.pngElla Stormark2020-07-15 09:00:462020-07-15 09:39:05Interview: Wata of Boris