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BAPTISTE, VALENTIN & LUCAS OF                                       BETRAYING THE MARTYRS

“The Orange PPC412 4×12 cab is simply one of the best guitar cabinets I have been able to use in the past 10 years of playing guitar and touring. Great sound, very solid gear, fits perfectly with the rest of my gear.”   Baptiste Vigier

“I updated my rig recently. I wanted to improve my tone, having something bigger, wider.  I tried a lot of heads to fit my new drive pedals and the Terror Bass was the perfect match. It just cranks the lows with plenty of punch. I love my new bass tone.”   Valentin Hauser

“I own an Orange PPC412 4×12 cab. It’s the best guitar cabinet I have been able to use in the past 10 years of playing guitar and touring. It is solid gear and definitely takes my guitar tone up!”    Lucas D’Angelo




Twitter: @baptistevigier @valentinhauser @lucasdangelo