Orange Amps to Grant More Wishes This Holiday Season
In late December of 2013 Orange Amplification took to Facebook with a simple request: Tell us which amp you want and on Christmas day we will grant one wish. More than 13,000 people responded, requesting everything from a battery-powered Micro Crush guitar amp to a hand-wired Custom Shop 50 full stack. When the day came, Orange surprised everyone by granting four wishes to fans from around the globe, including a Rockerverb 50 MKII 2×12” Combo, Jim Root #4 Signature guitar amp, Terror Bass 500, and a Crush Pro 120 2×12” Combo. That’s more than $5000 / £3000 in wishes!
The British amplifier company is keeping the tradition alive this holiday season. All you have to do is follow them on Facebook and post a comment with the “wish” you want granted. Anything goes so don’t be shy. Who knows? Maybe they’ll grant five wishes this year!
We hope you have a great holiday and wish everyone a Happy New Year.
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