COMPETITION: Make a wish!
Orange Amplification, an iconic British Amplifier for nearly fifty years, are pleased to announce their fourth annual Wish Granted competition. Once again, Orange have expanded the competition and the budget to grant more wishes than ever before!
In previous years Orange have given away more than $7,000 / £5,700 worth of gear which has included amps and combos from the Rockerverb, OB1, Crush, and Dark series. This year Orange are giving away $10,000/ £8000 of prizes, with everything from the current Orange Product range available in the competition, giving you the chance to win a truly exceptional prize.
To get your wish granted, simply post on Orange’s Facebook page what you would like this holiday season between 1st December and Christmas Eve December 2016. Plus, you can double your chances of winning by sharing the post. Winners will be announced Christmas Day.
Enter the competition at or fill out the form below with your wish.
Best of luck to all who enter.
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Cool stuff?
Definitely brother! It’s the best in the market like the Toyota Prius.
You guys rock. And I love your products. Merry Christmas guys
Voila , j’ai déposer mon voeux , pour mes concerts un ppc 412 pour ma tete extraordinaire rockerverb 50 mk III que j’adore ….
Vive orange !!!
Et bonne chance à tous
Good Job Orange!!
It’s hadr to buy but easy to try – rty to win Rockerverb!
Wow amazing give away. Can I enter if I live outside the U.K.
An Australian Fan
Yes you can. This competition is open to everyone.
le tiny est une tuerie
My intent is some Orangement!
I was listening to the demos on your website and all the amps sound great. I love the Rockerverb but it would be heavy for me to carry. So I think the Orange Crush would suit me fine. If I needed reverb I could always use a pedal.
You rule, You awsome people of Orange.
Thank you for giving us great sound through the speakers for decades, thank you all. Have a rocker Christmas
From my childhood i am addicted to this orange sound! it is such a strong platform to work with sounds. i love it!
I love ORANGE amps, you people are just the coolest!
un look unique et en plus un super son
Micro Dark stack!!! ☠️
Nice. Love old Oranges!
Awesome giveaway!!!!! Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity!!!!!! My Wife wants an amp that has a wall of distortion and I would love to win this for her. Thanks again and best of luck to everyone.
After years of crappy Solid State Practice amps, I just wish for a small tube amp and cab. I chose to win an OR15H Amp Head and CRPRO412 Cab. I do Jazz, Blues, Surf and Electric Folk. Thanks for the opportunity/possibility of this competition, ORANGE!!! Greetings from Cape Town, South Africa.
Pretty sweet gig! Some lil girls and boys will be having themselves a very Orange Christmas! Duel Dark 50 & PPC212 please for this lil boy! I’ve been a good boy, well, somewhat…
Would be a dream come true to actually own Orange amps and cabs. One day.. one… day… :)
AMAZING gear! AWESOME company! Thanks Orange for such a generous contest! Hoping to win so I can give the amp to my young son. He’s an incredible budding musician who recently blew the amp he worked so hard to buy! Cheers and good luck to everyone!
Have a nice one !
Love Orange, and love my Micro Terror. Now I’m ready to win a Dual Terror and a PPC 112.
Thanks for the great amps, Orange. And thanks for making Christmas Brighter and more Orange!
WOW!!!!! You Guys are the Greatest!!!!!! Would cherish a Rockerverb ForEver!!!!!!
Orange you gonna pick me?!?
Very good !
Orange Amps rock the house down ! PERIOD !
Hey folks – is there a confirmation email sent when you send your entry? I haven’t received anything from Orange yet and wrote a few times. Just making sure this mic was on, so to speak! Thanks!
There’s no confirmation but we got your entry Tommy!
Thanks In Advance oF My Orange Crush Win !! – LoL – Great Amp Giveaway !!!!
I have an orange crush 35rt and I bloody love it! Such a versatile, great sounding well built and designed amp. The cabsim on the headphone output is great. I’d love a TH30 or a tube head like a micro dark and a cab. What a great opportunity!
Thank you for the Opportunity
Thank you Orange for giving guitarists this amazing opportunity.
Super cool that I have a chance to win a Thunderverb 50w head. It’s always been a dream of mine to have and orange amp. Legendary tone
This is seriously so awesome. I’m starting a pop punk band and would love either a CR120 or a Dual Terror. I’ve not heard an Orange amp I’ve not loved though. Even if I don’t win, best of luck to all!
OMG, I would love to win a Dual Dark 50 and a black 2×12 Cab. I have 3 of their amps from the Terror Series and a Dual Dark 50 would be the icing on the cake.
Thank you guys for this awesome opportunity! I’ve always wanted an orange amp good luck to all entries and happy holidays!
I’ve never had the opportunity to play through an Orange amp; I appreciate the chance to win one, for sure!
This is super cool that you have done this the last couple of years. This has helped create a little extra Christmas magic. Congrats to another great year of producing terrific sounding music gear that has helped so many different artists helpedinfluence or lives through their music. Merry Christmas!
Great of you guys to offer this up. Happy Holidays.
So you think your Orange Amp Dark Terror can stand up to my Line 6 half stack, my Marshall, my Peavey, or my vintage Rickenbacker. Hmmmmm. Clutch may think so, but I’m not so sure. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!
Rockerverb 50 Please
Dual Dark 100 pretty please with an EL34 on top!
I need more volume!
Uuuu Crush 35RT sounds sweet !!! One small amp with a BIG sound to rule them all. Santa Orange, thanks for this oportunity! :)
Would love to have a dark terror. Great sounding amp!!!
I have been dreaming of and would love the Jim Root Dark Terror.
Rocker 15 head and the vertical 12 cab !
I’d like an Orange closed back 2×12 cabinet,please.My 4×12 is killing my back every time I move it!
I’d like to surprise my friend and guitarist with a new amp head, all his money goes on his family and his gear is old and falling apart. Something that would work for metal and is pretty loud would be good