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After reading so many well wishes and comments, our Founder & CEO Cliff requested us to grant even more wishes by allowing us to select additional smaller sized gear – increasing the budget to do so. So this ‘up to $10k’ is actually closer to $17k. So this is officially the biggest #wishgranted giveaway we’ve ever done.

We’ve granted 60 wishes – across social media and email. If you entered over email check your inbox (and your spam), or if you entered over Facebook check your inbox there (including your spam). We’ve posted to your Facebook wall when possible.

What did we give away?

Rocker 15, 4 Stroke 300, Crush Bass 25, Getaway Driver, Jim Root Terror, Rocker 32, O Edition Headphones, Crush Pro 120, Kongpressor, OBC212, Micro Dark, Dark Terror & Bax Bangeetars.

We’ll be sending gear to fans in: Chile, China, Canada, England, Mexico, Russia, USA, Norway, Japan, Bulgaria, Australia, Israel, Ireland, France, Italy, Germany, Scotland, Finland, Portugal.

Thanks so much to everyone that entered.

That announcement #wishgranted video again:

  1. Andrew
    Andrew says:

    I entered several times on Facebook following the rules and was wondering if and when the winners will be anounced..I’m not used to winning much but still like to know…thanks. You guys are great

    • Charlie
      Charlie says:

      Hey Andrew, winners entering via Facebook have a message from one of the team in their inbox with instructions on what to do (winners who entered via email need to check their inbox so they can reply to us with their name/address of where to send their gear). You can see winners commenting on our last #wishgranted Facebook post.

  2. Савина Виктория Альбертовна
    Савина Виктория Альбертовна says:

    Как узнать кто выиграл из России?

    • Charlie
      Charlie says:

      Мы связались с победителями по электронной почте и Facebook. Это зависит от победителей, если они хотят публиковать свои имена публично на нашем Facebook … (мы использовали машину для перевода этого кстати, мы понятия не имеем, если это даже имеет смысл)

  3. Yexi Peng
    Yexi Peng says:

    Hello Charlie,

    I’ve got your email that my wish is granted in Dec 25th. I have replied to [email protected] with your physical address in the same day, but until now nobody contacted me about that. Could you help follow up that? You know for a big fan and user of Orange Amps, I can’t wait to experience your headphones, because there is no any Canadian instrument store selling that. I’m looking forward to your reply ASAP. Thank you in advance and thanks Orange Amps for making my wish come true!

  4. Shan Orrison
    Shan Orrison says:

    Not a winner this time but Charlie, I won’t give up and thanks again for your fantastic products.

  5. Dereck
    Dereck says:

    While the giveaway was generous, and a great giveaway, it saddened me. For some odd reason, I was honestly hopeful thinking I might win. That was really stupid of me. I should have known better by now. It’s okay, my bad my bad. Thanks anyways, I honestly do appreciate it. Take care!

  6. Tom Roberts
    Tom Roberts says:

    Hi Charlie,

    I sent my address to the email you provided but have not yet had a response, are you able to let me know if you have received the email and when you will be posting items?


  7. William Berghoff
    William Berghoff says:

    Thank you guys so much for putting this on. I am really excited to have won a Micro Dark. I am going to get the matching 8″ cab for it soon as it shows up. You guys really made x-mas for me this year, I can’t thank you and your team enough, it’s the first time I have won anything in a contest. I had a really bad 2017 and didn’t expect any gifts for x-mas with my son getting sick, I was very surprised. Winning has set the tone for me in hoping that 2018 will be a killer year. Little things like this are why you guys are the best beyond the amazing products. You care about your customers and want to see the dreams of rock keep going on.

    William Berghoff

  8. Marco Melis
    Marco Melis says:

    Hello Charlie,

    I’ve got your email that my wish is granted in Dec 25th. I have replied to [email protected] with my physical address in the same day, but until now nobody contacted me about that. Could you help follow up that?
    Thank you in advance and thanks Orange Amps for making my wish come true!