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Rig of the Month – May 2020

Every month we reward one lucky winner with a free pair of O-Edition Headphones. All you have to do is post your Orange rig to any qualifying social media OR email your submission to [email protected]. Make sure you tag #OrangeRigOfTheMonth in your post!

Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

What’s your name, age, occupation?
Daniel Eades, 40, Gas Fitter

How’d you first hear about Orange?
Oasis, late 90s

What do you use your rig for?
Recording, gigging and practicing

How much did this rig set you back?

How often do you update the rig?
Guitars often but amps not so much.

What gear is in this rig?
Orange Thunderverb 200w blood orange and a Dark Terror

What guitar do you use? Why?
Gibson ES 335 for loudness, fender jazz bass for comfortable neck, Gibson Firebird because it looks cool.

Any purchases your regret in this rig setup and why?

Can you share any links where people can go to hear how this sounds?
iTunes, YouTube and YouTube

  1. Jim
    Jim says:

    Woah that looks bsdass! I’d love to hear this set up in action. Do you have any links to music I could listen to?