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Morgan Nicholls (MUSE) and the Bass Butler

Morgan Nicholls is the “4th” member of MUSE. He briefly filled in for the band on bass in 2004 but joined the band more permanently in 2011 as a keyboardist/accessory player. Morgan has also toured with Gorillaz and The Streets as a bassist.

Orange’s Lead Tech, Ade Emsley, and Morgan have a side project together called Circle 60. One day, while discussing Morgan’s bass tone requirements, Ade decided to create a pedal that would mimic Morgan’s full touring rig. Thus, The Bass Butler was born, a pedal that splits your signal at the input and features two completely separate, parallel, analogue signal chains, just like a real bi-amp rig. 

We brought Morgan out to NAMM 2020 to demo the Bass Butler for various reviewers and artists. Needless to say, the combination of the Bass Butler running into the Little Bass Thing was a huge hit (it won multiple awards) and several artists have since switched over that exact combo. Here’s Ade, in his own words, describing the Bass Butler!